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Cleaning Records

  1. Image titled Protect Vinyl Records Step 11

    Use a carbon fiber brush. A fiber brush is useful because it can easily enter the grooves of the record to remove dirt. Additionally, the type of fiber easily drains static electricity which is responsible for attracting dust. To use, spin the record slowly while holding the brush over the vinyl. Special brushes can be purchased at your local music store or online.

    • Use the brush to clean your records both before and after each record use.
    • Don’t forget to clean the dust off of the brush between uses too.
    • Avoid using a T-Shirt or towel as this can damage the surface of your vinyl.
  2. Image titled Protect Vinyl Records Step 12

    Try using a cleaner. There are pre-formulated cleaning products available both online and at local music stores, but you can also make a safe and affordable cleaner at home. Combine distilled water, isopropyl alcohol, and a couple drops of laundry detergent #without fragrance or dyes#, spray onto the vinyl, and use a microfiber cloth to wipe in a circular motion until the vinyl is dry.

    • Combine 12 oz distilled water, 2 oz alcohol, 2 drops free and clear laundry detergent, into a spray bottle.
    • It’s important to use distilled water because it doesn’t have any minerals that could be harmful to the record.
  3. Image titled Protect Vinyl Records Step 13

    Purchase a vinyl record vacuum cleaner. Vinyl record vacuums provide a deeper clean than brushing and cleaning products alone. The vacuum sucks the debris out of the grooves with as little friction as possible. In addition, vacuums are able to apply a thin layer of cleaning fluid which dissolves oils and further protects the record.

    • Each record vacuum is different so consult included with the device to learn to operate the device correctly.
    • As an added bonus, the vacuum also helps to dry the record in an even fashion.

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